Charts Help

Steps to generate Charts in Word:

  1. Insert any chart from Illustration section in Insert menu.
  2. Select the sample data in opened excel and delete it.
  3. Click on the tag Icon.
  4. Select the desired Tag and attribute from the list.
  5. Click on Copy Tag button. Paste the Tag value in the excel sheet using Ctrl+v. Add any number of series and column of tags in the excel file.
  6. Select only the desired range of data in which the tag is inserted.
  7. Close the data excel sheet.
  8. Generate the report from preview button of Hexaview Data Plugin.

Steps to generate Charts in excel:

  1. Click on the tag Icon.
  2. Select the desired Tag and attribute from the list.
  3. Click on Copy Tag button. Paste the Tag value in the excel sheet
  4. Select the desired range for which chart need to be created.
  5. Insert the chart from the excel to the excel template.
  6. Generate the report from preview button of Hexaview Data Plugin.

Steps to generate extended Charts in excel:

  1. Click on the tag Icon.
  2. Select the desired Tag and attribute from the list.
  3. Click on Copy Tag button. Paste the Tag value in the excel sheet. Add some sample data in the row below the tags.  
  4. Select the desired range including the sample data for which the chart need to be created.
  5. Insert the chart from the excel to the excel template.
  6. Generate the report from preview button of Hexaview Data Plugin.

Steps to generate Chart with Formatted Column in Word:

  1. Insert any chart from Illustration section in Insert menu.
  2. Select the sample data and delete it.
  3. Insert tags for chart data in excel as for other charts, and insert sample data in first row.
  4. Select the column need to be formatted. e.g. Column need to be formatted as Custom(yyyy). Right click on the column and Select Format cell and Format the cell to Custom-> yyyy.
  5. Select the data on the axis of the chart and change the property accordingly from the word.
  6. Generate the report from preview button of Hexaview Data Plugin.